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SKU: SYNTAX_.CVGT1 Maker: Types: , , ,


Control Voltage Gate Trigger module 1

The Synovatron CVGT1 reborn!

This is a Eurorack to Buchla translator module; it is designed to allow control signal integration between Eurorack synths and Buchla synths; or any 4mm banana socketed synth for that matter (e.g. Serge, Bugbrand). It is not just a format jumbler; it has signal conversion circuitry for both control voltage (CV) and timing signals (gate, trigger, clock, pulse). It is bidirectional; allowing both synths to send and receive signals to and from each other.

The CV translation channels use precisely scaled conversion electronics allowing Eurorack modules (1V/octave) to control and to be controlled by synths with 1V/octave, 1.2V/octave and 2V/octave scaling. Eurorack has a bipolar CV range (up to ±10V) whereas Buchla has a unipolar 0-10V CV range; hence there is an offset switch to allow the scaled CV to be shifted into range if required but note that not all Euro generated CV signals are bipolar and those don’t need offsetting e.g. ADSR and quantiser outputs. There is a tell-tale LED that lets you know if the output goes out of the Buchla’s range.

The timing translation part allows Euro gates, triggers and clocks to be converted to 10V Buchla pulses including the unique to Buchla tri-state 0-10V leading edge trigger with 5V sustain. Conversely Buchla timing signals can be converted back to Euro compatible gates, clocks and triggers. The timing inputs (pulse in, trig in and gate in) have comparator front-ends allowing any shape and size of signal to be used provided it goes through the switching threshold.

The front panel has Buchla sympathetic front panel graphics and connector colour coding

User Manual here


  • Width: 8HP (40.3mm)
  • Depth 33mm, 46mm at ribbon connector
  • Power consumption: +12V @ 20mA max, -12V @ 10mA max, +5V is not used
  • Current Consumption: 20mA max – 5V is not required
  • A-100 Bus utilisation: ±12V and 0V only; +5V, CV and Gate are not used