Sample & Hold
4 in stock
Sample/Track & Hold.
Sample Mode: The Out signal is updated to with the Input signal every time the Clock crosses the Trigger level in a positive direction.Track Mode: When the clock input signal is less than the trigger level, the In signal passes straight-through to the Out socket. When the clock signal is greater than the trigger level, the Out signal is ‘frozen’ and no longer track the In signal.
When there no jack in the Clock socket, the LFO is routed internally to the sample & hold.The Trigger Level range is -5 to +5 Volts, to accommodate both bipolar and unipolar trigger signals. When a ramp signal is used as the clock, adjusting this level changes the timing of the internal trigger signal.Low Frequency Oscillator.
The LFO frequency can be set manually with the Frequency control, and externally using the two CV inputs. These are both temperature compensated and have a nominal 1volt/Octave characteristic.
Three waveforms can be selected, and the output level set by the Amplitude control. A front-panel LED indicates signal polarity and level.
- LFO Output Waveforms: Sine. Triangle & Square
- LFO Frequency Range: 0.3 – 600Hz
- LFO Output Level: 0-10 Vp-p
- Module Depth: 30mm
- Power Connector: Doepfer 10-pin shrouded header
- Current Consumption: +12 Volts, 38mA, -12 Volts, 35mA
- Reverse-Power Protection: Yes
- Panel Width: 8HP (40.6mm)
- Panel Options: White glass-epoxy with blue screen-printing