The Filtare SEIII is a multimode, state-variable voltage-controlled filter that gives you low-pass, band-pass and high-pass outputs which are all simultaneously available. It also includes a notch output which allows you to change the balance between low-pass and high-pass. The SEIII uses discrete components but is based on SSM2040 architechture, giving you a very musical sounding filter. There are CV inputs for frequency, resonance and notch balance. The 1 V/O CV input for frequency can be used to have the VCF follow what you’re playing on the keyboard or just crank up the resonance and use it to play sine-waves.
- CV (for frequency control): 1V/O fixed
- CV (for frequency control): Adjustable
- CV (for resonance)
- CV (for notch balance)
- Audio
- Low-Pass
- Band-Pass
- High-Pass
- Notch
- Frequency
- Resonance
- CV Level (frequency)
- Notch Balance
- Volts / Octave Adjust for 1 V/O input (trim pot on back)
- Modes: LP, BP, HP
- All modes are 4-Pole (24dB/Octave)
- Notch: Change balance between LP and HP (total drop with balance at center is 3.4dB)
- Power supply: +/- 12 VDC (reverse-polarity protected!)
- Power draw: 80 mA +12 / 80 mA -12
- Width: 8HP
- Depth: 1.38in / 35mm