
Boss Bow Tie

Original price was: £140.00.Current price is: £115.00.

Out of stock

SKU: ALM_Boss Bow Tie Maker: Type:


‘Boss Bow Tie’ is an 8 way bidirectional voltage controlled switch. An input ‘I/O’ signal is mapped to an output ‘I/O’ via a corresponding control voltage. As bidirectional, this can be either 1 of up to 8 inputs into a single output or a single input into 1 of up to 8 outputs. The control input features both an attenuverter and offset to precisely select which of the 8 I/O’s are available to be ‘switched’. A normalized ‘Gate’ input enables and disables the switch allowing for rhythmic and other effects.

The module is intended primarily for flexible routing of CV signals. Though audio signals will work – audible clicks can sometimes be apparent when switching I/O’s.

Features include:

  • 8 way bidirectional voltage controlled switch.
  • 1 input into any 1 of up to 8 outputs -or- 1 of up to 8 inputs into a single output.
  • Attenuverter and Offset controls for control voltage input
  • Normalized ‘Gate’ input to enable/disable switch.
  • Fast switching up to audio rates.
  • Skiff friendly
  • Designed and built in England.


  • Size: 6hp
  • Depth: 32mm (including power header)
  • Current Draw: 50ma
  • Supply: +/-12V (Reverse voltage protection)