The ProModular CEX is a 4HP expander for our successful analog clock generator, CLOQ. It adds dedicated attenuators for both its CV inputs, 5 More outputs (32nds [twice then main clock speed], than a pulse on every bar from 1-8 — great for switches!), and lastly it adds a CV input to switch between SYNC and ASYNC modes. The CV only activates after you engage ASYNC mode, which essentially makes the SYNC/ASYNC switch also act as a CV pushbutton switch!
To connect to CLOQ: remove the jumpers from the bottom of the header on the back of CLOQ. Attach the ribbon cable from CEX with the RED STRIPE DOWN to the header. CEX draws its power from CLOQ’s connection.
- Dedicated attenuator for the CV input of SPEED on CLOQ
- Dedicated attenuator for the CV input of SPACE on CLOQ
- 32nds note output of SPEED on CLOQ
- 1 BAR output of SPEED on CLOQ
- 2 BAR output of SPEED on CLOQ
- 4 BAR output of SPEED on CLOQ
- 8 BAR output of SPEED on CLOQ
- CV in for SYNC/ASYNC modes